Deutsche Telekom
We developed an image campaign to communicate DTAG's overarching corporate and innovation themes. Our top priority was to help DTAG move away from the image of the "magenta giant" to a likeable brand that provides guidance for the future of the communications industry.
The campaign started with a teaser typo phase and continued with children explaining the technology in a light-hearted way.
Agency: Kolle Rebbe Position: Art Director

We combined DTAG's innovative expertise with an emotional appeal and deliberately used 'everyday language'. Children explain the technology and make abstract terms such as "broadband", "fibre optic cable network" and "RFID" tangible and easy to understand. Our motto:
Hallo Zukunft!

We created a new CI for the brand based on the existing logo. The iconic shapes of the Telekom "T" were used to create a distinct design system for internal and external use.